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Science for policy and practice: Synergising Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation

3rd International ConferenceNatural Hazards and Risks in a Changing World
Addressing Compound and Multi-Hazard Risk


Lydia Cumiskey (University College Cork)


Stefan Schneiderbauer (United Nations University / Eurac Research / University of the Free State)Philip Ward (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

Despite Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) emerging from different policy domains, their governance and implementation overlap in practice, thus requiring an integrated approach across sectors, disciplines and geographies. In our increasingly complex and interconnected world, we need to move towards a holistic approach to capture these synergies across DRR and CCA that bridge science, policy and practice. This requires a multi-risk approach, which accounts for the myriad of possible interactions in time and space between hazards, exposure, and vulnerability. Moreover, there is an urgent need to ensure that national, regional and local DRR and CCA laws, plans and measures are aligned and coherent with global policies and frameworks including the Sendai Framework on DRR and the Paris Agreement, as well as the broader Sustainable Development Goals, and the principles of equity and justice principles. 

The objective of the session is to share knowledge, experience, good practices, tools, and methods that can be used for creating synergy and integration between DRR and  CCA across science, policy and practice. We also welcome contributions that show case studies of how this has been – or is being – achieved in real life, and contributions focusing on the governance of multi-hazard-risks and “breaking the silos”.