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Dynamics, interdependencies and interactions of risk drivers

3rd International ConferenceNatural Hazards and Risks in a Changing World
Addressing Compound and Multi-Hazard Risk




11.15 am – 12.45 am


11:15 | Welcome 11:20 | Andreas Trojand Temporal dynamic vulnerability - Impact of antecedent events on residential building losses to wind storm events in Germany11:30 | Hannah Schuster Mortality Risks of an Ageing and Warming Austria11:40 | Malte van Szombathely Hamburg Risk Map: Combined indexing of urban exposure, social vulnerability and urban flooding11:50 | Sara Nieto Coupled Evolution of Medellin City and Landslides12:00 | Eva Preinfalk Fuelling the fires - An exploration of the drivers and the scope for management of European wildfire risk under the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways12:10 | Nele Rindfüser Monitoring flood risk evolution in Switzerland12:20 | Dominik Paprotny Climatic and human drivers of flood losses in Europe in the Anthropocene12:40 | Conclusion