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General advances in disaster risk science and compound climate events

3rd International ConferenceNatural Hazards and Risks in a Changing World
Addressing Compound and Multi-Hazard Risk




9.00 am – 11.00 am


9:00 | Welcome 9:05 | Judith Claassen A European Perspective on Joint Probabilities Within Multi-Hazards9:15 | Ali Tawalo Probabilistic approach for assessing multi-site slope land displacements induced by groundwater fluctuations9:25 | Dina Vanessa Gomez Rave Advanced Modelling of Compound Flooding in Estuaries9:35 | Lisa Köhler Compound hazard experience and its feedback on resilience and adaptive behavior9:45 | Katharina Küpfer Clustering of impact-related compound meteorological extremes in southwest Germany9:55 | Federica Romagnoli Combining Impact Chains with Forensic Analysis in the analysis of compound events: insights from the Vaia windstorm case study10:05 | Christopher White Reclassifying historical disasters: from single to multi-hazards10:15 | Abbas FathiAzar Advancing Multi-Hazard Risk Reduction: A Catalog of Integrated Multi-hazard Mitigation Measures for flood and earthquake 10:25 | Jess Delves Investigating the 2016-2020 drought(s) in the water-rich mountainous area of Qwaqwa (South Africa) to support future adaptation10:35 | Conclusion