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Science for policy and practice: synergising disaster risk reduction and climate change

3rd International ConferenceNatural Hazards and Risks in a Changing World
Addressing Compound and Multi-Hazard Risk




11.15 am – 12.45 am


11:15 | Welcome 11:20 | Annegien Tijssen Showcasing existing practices, tools and methods to enhance coherence and synergy between DRR and CCA11:30 | Carolyn Hayles Embedding climate adaptation policy within the historic environment sector11:40 | Julius Schlumberger Unravelling the complexity of multi-risk systems and adaptation pathways11:50 | Bethany Liss Stay or leave? Mainstreaming in-situ upgrading vs. planned resettlement in high-risk contexts - Lessons from the Philippines12:00 | Franziska Stefanie Hanf A system dynamics approach to understanding urban flood risk and barriers to adaptation under climate change using causal loop diagrams: Case study of the city of Hamburg, Germany12:10 | Elena Mcdonald How to consider climate change in flood risk management? – Current practices in Germany and the Benelux countries12:20 | Sarah Michaels Utilizing Variegated Uncertainty to Integrate Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation12:30 | Sepehr Marzi Looking back, Looking forward: INFORM suite provides opportunity to design country tailored climate resilient pathways12:40 | Conclusion